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A message from Mike

We have been monitoring the impact of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and the affects it is having globally and here at home.   With keeping the safety of our clients in mind, we are continually making adjustments in response to what we see happening.  In an effort to help everyone stay healthy and safe, as well as with the advice of the local health department, we are making some changes.   Our office will be closed to the public for now, but our staff is still here working hard for you.

  • We are keeping all scheduled appointments, but they will be done over the phone.
  • Tax documents can be provided in one of the following ways:
    • During business hours you may put your tax documents in our drop box located on the backside of our building.  The box faces the Daily Perk.
    • Paper copies of forms can be mailed to us at PO Box 111, Raymond, WA 98577
    • Information can also be faxed to (360) 942-5681
  • We will securely forward a copy of the return and e-file signature authorization page through DocuSign.  At our client’s request, we will mail the completed return and e-file signature authorization.   

We understand that, even with the filing deadline being extended to July 15, the completion and filing of tax returns is still a high priority of our clients and it is ours as well.  We will continue with our regular business hours and will be available to take phone calls and answer your questions and concerns as we work through these difficult times.  We pray everyone remains healthy and safe.

February 2025